How Is this Website Organized?
As part of our commitment to providing excellent client support, our website has been designed to follow the life cycle of an Award to MSU from external entities for MSU projects and programs. It is our hope that you will find the resources and tools you need to assist you with administrative requirements and related questions, and we invite you to contact us directly if you need further assistance.
The main stages of the life cycle are identified at the top of our website and are also listed below. As you visit each page, you’ll notice a “Toolbox” on the left side of the screen that shows you tools that may be helpful based on the stage of the life cycle being reviewed. We have also created a Site Map if you would prefer to find the content in another way.
Life Cycle Labels

Get Started with These Resources
Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) - Preaward Office Web Pages
- Kuali Research (KR): MSU’s Research Administration System.
- Proposal Development & Submission Overview: Understand MSU and sponsor requirements to be eligible to submit a proposal, proposal submission deadline policy, how to prepare a Proposal Development document in KR (MSU’s proposal routing form), guidance on developing proposal documents, details on developing a budget, regulatory requirements, and how to submit your proposal.
- Proposal Submission Deadline Policy: Specific information on MSU’s proposal submission deadline policy.
- Award Negotiation & Acceptance Overview: Find information regarding the Just in Time process, how to request a hardship/advance account, roles and responsibilities and details on the OSP award process (such as, where to send awards, and review/negotiation information). Additionally, there is an OSP Award Processing Times tool that can be utilized to help provide an idea of the average time it takes to process an award based on the sponsor and type of agreement.
Contract and Grant Administration (CGA) - Postaward Office Web Pages
- Award Management Overview: Award management includes all post-award activities that occur between the time an award/account is established in MSU’s financial system and when the closeout process begins for sponsored program accounts. Read about agency prior approvals, monitoring and oversight, financial reporting, and technical reporting.
- Federal/State Cost Policy: The Federal/State Cost Policy is MSU’s interpretation of The Uniform Guidance, the federal guidelines found in 2 CFR 200. It was developed to assist faculty and staff in the management of federal and state sponsored programs, including the identification of roles and responsibilities and how to determine the allowability of costs.
- Effort Overview and FAQs: Find an overview of Effort Reporting, including Frequently Asked Questions. Effort Reports are the receipts that auditors use to document the amount of effort actually performed (both directly charged and committed as cost sharing) on a restricted sponsored program award.
- Agency Prior Approvals: Throughout the project period, it may be necessary to make changes to the project that require approval from the awarding agency/grantor. This page shows agency specific guides on when approval is necessary (e.g. NIH and NSF).
We're Here to Help
Our staff are here to help with proposal submissions for external funding, award negotiation, and the various stages in financial and administrative management. Many faculty members work directly with an administrative support person (table of the preaward contacts) within their unit/department or college and that person then interfaces with our offices. The staff of SPA, OSP, and CGA strive to efficiently and effectively work with campus in completing day-to-day work, and improving processes and systems in order to support projects and MSU’s Mission. Visit the SPA/OSP/CGA staff directory for general contact information or call our main line, (517) 355-5040 with questions. Additionally, if you would like to leave feedback on our website, we encourage you to send an email to
We are thankful to be supporting you and MSU in managing the complex environment of implementing projects or programs while addressing sponsor requirements. Together, as Spartans, we are finding solutions, getting things done, and making a difference every day! We look forward to supporting you!
Twila Fisher Reighley, Associate Vice President for Research, Sponsored Programs
Katie Cook, Director of the Office of Sponsored Programs (preaward)
Evonne Pedawi, Director of Contract and Grant Administration (postaward)