Current & Pending / Other Support |
Form required by some federal agencies that captures ALL research support including proposals, projects, awards and in-kind resources from all non-US and domestic sources, including MSU project support.
A PI Certification question has been added to the Research Administration System routing form (Proposal Development)
For proposal and Just-in-Time (JIT) submissions: Office of Sponsored Programs, Proposal Teams
For Progress Reports: Contract and Grant Administration, Awards Group
For additional information on the requirements by sponsor see: Current and Pending / Other Support Requirements by Sponsor
Checklist for faculty on what to include in NIH Other Support
NSF Table - Disclosures Related to Biosketch and Current and Pending (Other) Support
Most federal agencies require Current & Pending/Other Support to be submitted with the proposal submission (e.g. NSF, USDA, NASA, DOE, DOD), however, some require it at the Just-in-Time stage (e.g. NIH).
Any changes to Current & Pending / Other Support during the project period for awarded projects should be reported in technical/progress reports, or sooner depending on the sponsor requirements and type of disclosure.
Biographical Sketches |
Document used to describe the education, scientific appointments, experience and other qualifications for a key person on a project. |
For proposal and Just-in-Time (JIT) submissions: Office of Sponsored Programs, Proposal Teams
For Progress Reports or post
award changes: Contract and Grant Administration, Awards Group |
For additional information on the requirements see: Biographical Sketch Requirements by Sponsor
Typically included for all senior/key personnel at the time of proposal submission.
During an award, if there is a request to change PI’s, or if disclosing new senior/key personnel in a progress report. |
Outside Work for Pay / Appointments / Affiliations |
Outside Work for Pay: In most cases, faculty members must receive approval prior to acceptance of outside work for pay and prior to acceptance of an assignment involving overload.
Outside Appointments / Affiliations: Outside appointments and/or affiliations may require disclosure or approval from the University to avoid activities that may interfere with the faculty members professional responsibilities at the Institution.
Faculty and Academic Staff Affairs |
Outside Work for Pay Policy
Outside Work for Pay FAQs
Dual Appointments Policy
Outside Work for Pay: Prior to acceptance of outside work for pay, and prior to acceptance of an assignment involving overload.
Outside Appointments / Affiliations: Prior to engaging in the outside appointment or making a formal affiliation.
Conflict of Interest (COI) |
All MSU faculty, and academic staff with research, teaching, service and outreach responsibilities must submit an annual disclosure of all significant financial interests related to their MSU responsibilities.
Conflict of Interest: Conflict Disclosures and Management
Instructions on how to disclose
COI Frequently Asked Questions:
There are many different conflict of interest policies and regulations to which MSU must adhere. The procedures regarding how we disclose and manage potential conflicts of interest can be dependent on funding type, the nature of the relationship, sponsor type and associated laws and regulations. Conflict of Interest (COI) Frequently Asked Questions have been developed which cover the four main COI categories: 1) General (what, who, how to disclose); 2) State of Michigan COI law (Board of Trustees approval process) 3) Federal COI regulations; and 4) Small Business Research (SBIR/STTR) programs.
Annual Disclosures: Disclosures must be completed no later than one year after your initial disclosure or last annual disclosure, and every 12 months henceforth. Disclosures must be updated within 30 days of acquiring or discovering any new significant financial interest.
Project Disclosures: Completed with each sponsored research project routed in the Research Administration System. PHS/NSF agencies require project-based disclosures prior to proposal submission.
Global Activities e-Disclosure
(GAED is not currently required by MSU)
Undisclosed working relationships between scholars in U.S. institutions and non-domestic entities (e.g., universities, companies and governments) have increasingly been of concern to American science agencies. This disclosure was developed to support faculty in the required federal funding agency disclosures and for transparency expected for open exchange.
Office of Sponsored Programs
Conflict Disclosures and Management (CDM)
Instructions for Completing the Global Activities e-Disclosure
Global Activities e-Disclosure FAQs
Link to the Global Activities e-Disclosure
Annual completion of the GAED is no longer required by MSU.
No Money Collaboration Done within MSU Appointment |
Many entities request that agreements are signed to document unfunded research collaborations. Having an agreement is considered a best practice to make sure interests are protected for all parties and any such agreements must be signed by an Authorized Official and must route through the Research Administration System. |
Industry sponsors: Business Connect
All other sponsors: Office of Sponsored Programs |
Prepare Proposal Development Document
PI Approval of the Proposal Development Document
Agreement Matrix
Manual of Business Procedures, Sec. 315: Includes resources on the types of sponsored research agreements that should be routed through OSP/BC/CGA.
Route a No Money Proposal Development document when an agreement is received, or collaboration activities will be done within your employment. |
Invention/Patent and Copyright |
All university inventions should be disclosed to the university prior to disclosing via any other form of communication. |
MSU Technologies |
Instructions on how to disclose
Patent Policy
Development of Copyrighted Materials Policy
Submit the appropriate disclosure form to MSU Technologies soon after the invention or work is conceived and before publishing your research. |
Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) Questionnaire |
When materials, such as chemicals, plant materials, or software, are transferred between universities and other organizations for research activities, the MTA Questionnaire must be completed and sent to MSU Technologies (MSUT). MSUT will use the information either to complete a Material Transfer Agreement, or review an agreement sent to us from the other organization. |
MSU Technologies |
MTA Web Page
Submit the completed, signed MTA Questionnaire form to the MTA Coordinator,, for the preparation or review of an MTA. |
Export Control and Open Research Review Worksheet |
MSU is required to comply with a variety of U.S. Government statutes and regulations dealing with export controls and trade sanctions. ECTS developed the on-line Export Control and Open Research Review Worksheet (ECORRW) to help comply with these regulations. |
Export Control & Trade Sanctions |
Export Control Procedures
Export Control Worksheet System
Submit an ECORRW when one of the circumstances on the Export Control Procedures web page has been met for a project or activity. |
Human Subject Applications |
MSU IRB review and approval, an MSU exempt determination, or an MSU HRPP reliance acknowledgement for use of an External IRB is required for all projects that involve research or clinical investigations with human subjects conducted by faculty, staff, students, or agents of MSU before initiation of any human research activities. Applications are submitted in the Click Compliance System. |
Human Research Protection Program (HRPP)
Information on the Click Compliance System
HRPP Help and Requirements
Application must be submitted and MSU IRB review and approval, an MSU exempt determination, or an MSU reliance acknowledgement must be made by the MSU HRPP prior to initiation of human subject research activities. |
Human Stem Cell Research Applications |
Review and approval by the Institutional Stem Cell Research Committee is needed for certain kinds of human stem cell research, including all human embryonic stem cell research and some types of human pluripotent stem cells research. Applications are submitted in the Click Compliance System. |
Institutional Stem Cell Research Committee
Information on the Click Compliance System
Information on the Institutional Stem Cell Research website
Applications must be submitted and MSU Institutional Stem Cell Research Committee review and approval must be obtained prior to initiation of the human stem cell research activities. |
Animal Care Applications |
Most activities involving animals on and off-campus are subject to regulatory oversight and require IACUC review and approval. Applications are submitted in the Click Compliance System. |
Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee (IACUC)
Information on the Click Compliance System for IACUC
Application must be submitted and IACUC review and approval must be made prior to initiation of animal subject research activities. |
Pathogens/Biohazards/Recombinant DNA, Hazardous/Regulated Chemicals, or Radiation Safety |
Tracking the use and disposition of hazardous substances will help protect the health and safety of research subjects and University employees and ensure a compliant workplace. |
Environmental Health and Safety (EHS)
Biological Safety
Chemical Safety
Radiation Safety
Hazardous Waste Management
Registration of materials and procedures is on the Click Compliance System for biological and radiation safety. The Chemical Hygeine Plan provides guidance for the use of hazardous chemicals.
Contact EHS during the planning and before the initiation of any research when a project includes pathogens/biohazards/recombinant DNA, hazardous/regulated chemicals, or radiation. Complete the US Homeland Security Chemicals of Interest Survey yearly and/or when chemical inventory changes. |