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Information and Resources related to the 2025 U.S. Presidential Administration Transition can be found on the Federal Updates Resulting From Administration Transition webpage. We will continue to update the page as new information and resources are identified.

Sponsored Program Final Cost Deadline Guidance

Guidance Purpose

The Sponsored Program Final Cost Deadline, referred to in the guidance as “deadline date,” addresses industry trends, assists in timely closeouts of awards to comply with sponsor requirements and reduces MSU’s audit and financial risk. Although the Principal Investigator has fiscal responsibility for sponsored program awards, the guidance is intended to assist the PI and their department administration in timely processing of final expenses.

Effective August 1, 2024, all final costs/expenses on sponsored program RC accounts must be posted to the account by a predetermined deadline date.

  • Costs that are fully routed and posted to the RC account’s Operating Statement by the deadline date will be included in the final financial report/draw/invoice to the sponsor.
  • Costs that are not posted to the RC account’s Operating Statement by the deadline date will not be included for reimbursement and/or reported to the sponsor and must be covered by an unrestricted Michigan State University (MSU) account.

For each sponsored program RC account, there is a field titled, “Deadline for Posting Costs,” within the Closeout tab in Account Explorer that will display the deadline date. The deadline date will also be reflected in email communication from CGA to the Principal Investigator and department contact when the account is fully set up in Account Explorer and before the project ends.

Summary of Deadline Dates

Final Financial Report (FFR) / Invoice Due Date

Deadline for Posting Costs

  • 60+ days after project period end date
  • 30 days prior to FFR/invoice due date
  • 45-60 days after project period end date
  • 30 days after project period end date
  • Less than 45 days after project period end date
  • 30 days after project period end date, AND
  • A list of final pending expenses is provided to the CGA Reports Group two weeks before the final invoice/financial report is due.
  • No FFR/invoice requirements
  • 60 days after project period end date

Deadline Date Requirements

The deadline for posting accounts is determined by the due date of the final financial report/draw or invoice.

Final financial report/draw or invoice is due 60 or more days after the project period end date:

For accounts that have a final invoice/financial report due date of greater than 60 days after the project period end date, all final expenses must be posted to the account no later than 30 days prior to the final report due date. For example, if the final invoice/financial report is due within 120 days of the project end date, all final expenses must be posted to the account within 90 days after the project period end date.

Final financial report/draw or invoice is due 45-60 days after the project period end date:

For accounts that have a final invoice/financial report due date between 45-60 days after the project period end date, all final expenses must be posted to the account within 30 days after the project period end date.

Final Financial Report/draw or invoice is due less than 45 days after the project period end date:

For accounts that have a final invoice/financial report due date of less than 45 days after the project period end date, all final expenses must be posted to the account within 30 days after the project period end date. In addition, a list of all pending expenses that should be included on the final invoice/financial report must be provided to the CGA Reports Group ( at least two weeks before the final invoice/financial report is due.

If the pending expenses that were provided by the unit and included on the final invoice/financial report are not posted to the account within 30 days after the project end date, they will no longer be allowed on the account and must be covered by an unrestricted MSU account. CGA will then submit a revised final invoice/financial report and will issue a refund to the sponsor for those expenses, if applicable.

If an expense is posted within 30 days of the project period end date but was not included in the list of pending expenses provided by the unit, the costs must be removed from the RC account and transferred to an unrestricted MSU account. This includes all transaction types (DVs, GECs, salary, Service Billings, PO payments, etc.).

No predetermined due date for a final financial report/draw or invoice:

For accounts that do not have final financial reporting requirements, all final expenses must be posted to the account within 60 days after the project period end date.

Additional Information Regarding the Processing of Final Expenses

For pending KFS/non-pay transactions that require CGA review/approval, the department must contact CGA Audit and Compliance Group ( no later than five business days before the deadline date.

For pending hourly payroll transactions that require CGA approval, the department must contact CGA Audit and Compliance Group ( no later than five business days before the applicable HR cutoff date.

For SAP transactions that require CGA approval, the department must contact CGA Awards Group ( no later than 5 business days before the applicable HR cutoff date.

It is important that the department follows all final transactions through their route log to make sure that all approvals in the workflow are completed on time (ex. CGA, UPL, Controller’s Office), so costs are posted to the account by the deadline date.

Additionally, if there is a unique situation, please contact CGA Audit and Compliance Group ( for guidance.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. In the instance a subaward invoice is contractually due after the deadline date, this pending expense must be communicated to the CGA Reports Group ( at least two weeks before the final invoice/financial report is due.
  1. It is important to consider monthly and automated postings such as Procurement Card Documents and Service Billings (e.g. computer store purchases, BMB store billings, IPF Services, etc.) as these may automatically post to the RC account after the deadline date.If these costs are posted after the deadline date, they will not be included in the final financial report/draw/invoice and will need to be removed from the RC account and transferred to an unrestricted MSU account.

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