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Information and Resources related to the 2025 U.S. Presidential Administration Transition can be found on the Federal Updates Resulting From Administration Transition webpage. We will continue to update the page as new information and resources are identified.

Issue 35: Friday Updates, 6/15/18

New – Initiator Proposal Search

You may recall an article from our last issue, Issue 34, that explained a change to the All My Proposals search on the Researcher tab.  We received feedback that some of you would still like the old search to be available.  Therefore, we have added a new search to the Unit and Central Admin tabs called Initiator Proposal Search, which is the same search criteria that was available with the old All My Proposals search.  The search criteria will return all Proposal Development documents that you (i.e. the person logged into KC) have initiated.Initiator Proposal Search link indicated on Pre-Award Panel

Question Related to Minors Will Be Added to the Questionnaire

A new question related to minors (children under the age of 18) will be added to the KC Questionnaire tab within the next two weeks.  The question will include additional helpful details within the More Information link.  A draft of the new question is as follows:Will minors (children under the age of 18) participate in this project. (Click the More Information link for additional guidance)

When the question is added, all Proposal Development (PD) documents that are In Progress will receive the following notice at the top of the Questionnaire tab:

Default answer highlighted: Copy the answers from the old version of the questionnaire to the new one. Only questions that have been changed in the new version will have to be answered.Leave the default answer selected and click the update button. This will bring in the new question to be answered. It will also require you to re-answer the question, “Have patent or copyright commitments been promised to the sponsor,” because a small change was also made to that question.

PD documents that are already in route when the question is added will not be impacted by the change to the Questionnaire.  PD documents that are created after the question is added will automatically include the new question and will not be prompted to update the questionnaire.

NIH Summer Salary Cap Object Code Is Now Available

In Issue 34 we mentioned that a new object code would be added for individuals who are over the NIH salary cap and are requesting summer salary.   This object code has now been added, and is called “Salary Cap (Summer Salary)”.  With this object code the appropriate 7.65% fringe rate for faculty summer salary is assessed.  The instructions for using this object code are the same as using the Salary Cap object code.  Once added, uncheck the inflation checkbox in order to remain at the capped amount in the outer years of the budget.  See Issue 16 for further instructions. Maintenance Outage

This weekend will be undergoing routine, scheduled maintenance. During this time you will not be able to search for or retrieve opportunities from the S2S tab in the Proposal Development module. If you’ve already retrieved an opportunity from the S2S tab you will be able to use the system as you normally would.  The maintenance window is as follows:

Scheduled Maintenance Outage:
Production Environment will go Offline Saturday June 16, 2018 at 12:01 AM ET.
Production Environment will go Online Monday June 18, 2018 at 6:00 AM ET.

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