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Information and Resources related to the 2025 U.S. Presidential Administration Transition can be found on the Federal Updates Resulting From Administration Transition webpage. We will continue to update the page as new information and resources are identified.

Current and Pending Report - RA029

Job Aid

Version dated: 6-8-23

Current and Pending Support, also known as Other Support, is a form typically used by federal sponsors to request information for the PI’s and Key Personnel’s current and pending research projects. This report is intended to assist investigators with completing these disclosure forms, however, it is not an all-inclusive list.  The activity in this report only reflects information that was routed in the Kuali Research System and does not include research activities that may also need to be disclosed, e.g., Outside Work for Pay, in-kind resources. It is the responsibility of the Investigator/Key Person to determine which activities need to be included on their disclosure forms.  For assistance with determining what needs to be disclosed, please visit the Current and Pending / Other Support Requirements by Sponsor webpage.


  • Department/College Administrators
  • Principal Investigators and Key Personnel


  • Completing disclosure forms, such as, Current and Pending/Other Support


Accessing the Report in Business Intelligence

  1. Image of the Business, Intelligence, and Analytics tile in the EBS Portal.Login in to the EBS portal and click on the Business Intelligence and Analytics tile.
  1. Image of the links in the University RA Reports folder.Click on the Research Administration folder.  If you do not see a Research Administration folder, please contact the KR Helpdesk for assistance with accessing the Research Administration reports.  Click on the University RA Reports folder.  Select either the Award or Institutional Proposal folder.  Both folders include a link to the "Current and Pending Report (RA029)."
  1. Image of the Current and Pending Report link.Click on the Current_and_Pending-RA029 report link.

Running the Report

Image of the Last Name input field in the Current and Pending report page.
  1. Enter the last name of the individual you are running the report for in the Search by Last Name field and click the blue circular button.
Image of the Display Summary radio button and the Finish button on the results page.
  1. From the results box, click on the name of the applicable person, select whether you want to display a Summary Page and click the [ Finish ] button.

Report Results

The report is split into the following sections with a page break in between:

  1. Institutional Proposals with Pending Status
    • Includes all IP records in Kuali Research where the individual is named as PI, Co-I or Key Person, with a status of Pending.
  2. Active Awards
    • Includes all award documents in Kuali Research where the individual is named as PI, Co-I or Key Person, in the latest version of an Active award.
  3. Other Potential Projects to Disclose
    • Includes IP records in Kuali Research where the individual is named as PI, Co-I or Key Person, with a status of Approved and the Total Requested End Date is beyond the date that the report is run.

Image showing the dropdown menu for downloading the report.NOTE: To download the report click the down arrow next to the triangle icon at the top menu bar. This will give you options for different formats to use for downloading the report. We recommend using Excel so you can easily sort and filter the data.

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