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Information and Resources related to the 2025 U.S. Presidential Administration Transition can be found on the Federal Updates Resulting From Administration Transition webpage. We will continue to update the page as new information and resources are identified.

Issue 86: 08/27/24

New Object Codes and TBN Descriptions in the KR Budget Module

A pilot is underway to start using the KR Budget module for projects that include Henry Ford Health (HFH) researchers. As of tomorrow, August 28th, the following new object codes and To Be Named (TBN) descriptions will be added to the KR Budget module for the pilot:

New HFH Object Codes:

  • Henry Ford Faulty (Salaries & Wages)
  • Henry Ford Salary Cap
  • Henry Ford Staff (Salaries & Wages)
  • Henry Ford Postdoc

New HFH TBN Descritpions:

  • Henry Ford Postdoc
  • Henry Ford Other

Also, on the tabs within the Rates option you may notice that new rates for HFH have been added.

Please DO NOT USE the HFH object codes, TBN descriptions or rates unless you are participating in the pilot and have gone through training that was done specifically for the pilot. An update will be sent to campus when the pilot is complete, and this functionality may be used by all MSU research administrators and HFH Grant Managers.

Changes to Current and Pending Report (RA029) in BI

The Current and Pending – RA029 report in Business Intelligence (BI) has been updated to incorporate the following changes:

  • Results from the Last Name search will now display the individual's MSU NetID. This will allow users to identify and select the appropriate individual they are searching for.
  • Added the ability to reset prompts and rerun the report rather than having to close out and come back into the report to search for a different individual.
  • The Awards section will now only display active awards with end dates that are within the last six months of the date the report was run and beyond. This will cut down on the number of completed projects displayed on the report, because closeout is still pending.

We encourage you to use the Current and Pending Report in BI to assist faculty with completing their federal disclosures. For instructions, please see the Current and Pending Report job aid.

Please send a note to the KR Helpdesk if you have other suggestions or corrections to MSU's Current and Pending Report (RA029).

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