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The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP), Contract and Grant Administration (CGA), and Sponsored Programs Administration (SPA) will be observing MSU’s 2024 winter break from Tuesday, December 24, 2024 through Wednesday, January 1, 2025. OSP/CGA/SPA staff will not be working during this time and actions requiring our involvement (e.g. proposals, RPPRs, etc.) must be submitted to the appropriate office by noon on Friday, December 20, 2024.

The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP), Contract and Grant Administration (CGA), and Sponsored Programs Administration (SPA) staff are observing MSU’s 2024 winter break from Tuesday, December 24, 2024 through Wednesday, January 1, 2025.

Happy Holidays!

Proposal Roles & Responsibilities

These tables describe the roles and responsibilities of the individuals at MSU involved in the proposal process.  The categories are not all inclusive but rather provide the primary activities and services needed for creating, reviewing and submitting a proposal.  Some steps occur sequentially, some overlap, and others are performed simultaneously. Additionally, please note that clinical trial and international proposal specifics are not addressed below.

Typically, the college/department Research Administrator (RA) is the liaison between the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) and Contract and Grant Administration (CGA) and the PI; however, in some instances, the PI may act in the lead role.


  • L = Lead Contact
  • S = Secondary Contact(s)

Proposal Process

OSP PI RA Compliance Subject Task
  L S S – OR&I - Research Facilitation Find Funding Identify funding opportunity 
  L S S - OR&I (provides approval) Eligibility Confirm PI eligibility and request approval from VPRI (if applicable)
  L S S - OR&I (provides approval) Eligibility Confirm limited submission eligibility and complete request for approval from VPRI (if applicable)
S L S   Solicitation Review solicitation for eligibility and submission requirements
L S S S - ECTS; S - MSUT; S - OGC Solicitation Solicitations that state "Award Without Discussion" require additional review from multiple offices across campus (Technical section not included here- PI is Lead on this)
  S L   Develop Proposal Create a Proposal Development (PD) document (for either a Summary or S2S proposal). This includes requesting new sponsors, non-MSU employees and Keywords be added to Kuali Research (KR) when necessary.
  S L   Develop Proposal Verify the correct PI Profiles are reflected in the Credit Allocation suboption.
  S L   Develop Proposal Notify other department/college research offices when including faculty members outside of your college.  Work with those offices to add investigators to the Credit Allocation suboption.
  S L   Develop Proposal Email the applicable OSP Proposal Team notifying them of the upcoming proposal and include the solicitation and PD Number
L L S   Develop Proposal Register to use the applicable sponsor system, if required (e.g. NSF Fastlane, eRA Commons, NSPIRES)
  S L   Develop Proposal Prepare and gather Subaward documents (if applicable)
  S L   Develop Budget Prepare Budget, Cost Share Budget (if there is required cost share) and Budget Justification
  S L   Develop Proposal Prepare administrative documents for proposal with required institutional information (e.g. EIN number, DUNS number, address, etc.).
  L     Develop Proposal Prepare Project Summary (also called Abstract)
  L     Develop Proposal Prepare Project Description (also called Research Strategy)
  L     Develop Proposal Prepare References Cited (also called Bibliography)
  L S   Develop Proposal Prepare Data Management Plan (if applicable, e.g. NSF)
  L S   Develop Proposal Prepare Facilities and Other Resources
  L S S-Procurement & Logistics Develop Proposal Prepare Subcontracting Plan (if meets current threshold)
L       Budget Review Budget or budget modification review and approval (turnaround time is typically within 2 full business days of email requesting review)
  L S   Develop Proposal Prepare all other documents required in the solicitation (e.g. current and pending, biosketch, etc.)
  L S   Develop Proposal If applicable, create Current and Pending/Other Support document and verify that all projects are included
  L S S- HRPP Regulatory Requirements For NIH proposals that fall under single IRB requirements, work with IRB to prepare Single IRB plan
  L S S- HRPP Regulatory Requirements Disclose human subject use in the proposal (& PD) and comply with MSU HRPP and sponsor requirements
S L   S- ECTS Regulatory Requirements Complete export control worksheet if required at the proposal stage
S S L   Regulatory Requirements Searching for debarred entities such as subawardees, external Co-PIs, external Key Personnel, contractors, consultants, other significant contributors prior to inclusion in the proposal
  L S S- IACUC Regulatory Requirements Disclose animal use in the proposal (& PD) and comply with MSU IACUC requirements
  L   S- Conflict Disclosures & Management Regulatory Requirements Complete project based COI disclosure
  L   S- Conflict Disclosures & Management Regulatory Requirements Complete Annual COI Disclosure or Update to Annual
  S L   Submit Proposal Route PD document for Approval
  S S L - Department and College approvers Submit Proposal Review the proposal to verify the proposed project fits within the academic framework and resources of the unit, requirements for new or renovated facilities/space have been discussed with the appropriate people, cost sharing and resource commitments will be met by the department/college unless otherwise approved, regulatory requirements have been addressed, and proposed F&A allocation is correct.
  L S   Submit Proposal Confirm that the proposal meets the specific requirements specified in the funding opportunity announcement
  L S   Submit Proposal Follow the Department and College deadline policies (contact the College pre-award office for information on their deadline policy), as well as the OSP deadline policy
  S L   Submit Proposal Email or attach the final complete proposal to the PD so the applicable OSP Proposal Team can review, or if S2S, inform OSP that the PD document is ready for review. This must be done at least 3 days before the deadline to be considered "On Time".  On time proposals receive priority over "Late" and "At-risk" proposals.
L S S   Submit Proposal Review the proposal to verify compliance with the agency's and MSU's policies, guidelines and requirements (e.g.  PHS Financial Conflict of Interest Regulations)
  L S   Submit Proposal Obtain “At-Risk” approval from Research Dean (if applicable).  Send to OSP Proposal Team if received.
  S L   Submit Proposal Check status of the PD route log and follow-up with Co-PI(s)/Chair(s)/Dean(s)/ISP/OPB in order to get the PD in OSP's queue per Deadline Policy
  L S   Submit Proposal PI, Co-PI, Co'I's and administrator remain available to answer questions and finalize proposal requirements up until the proposal has been successfully submitted to the sponsor.
L       Submit Proposal OSP submission: Submit proposals that require an Authorized Organizational Representative (AOR) to electronically release or email the proposal directly
  L S   Submit Proposal PI/Administrator submission: submit proposal when the sponsor does not have requirements for who submits the proposal
L       Submit Proposal OSP Email confirmation that the proposal was released or emailed to the sponsor, when the sponsor requires the central office (i.e. AOR) to directly submit (Note: before the submission deadline, the PI/RA should follow-up with OSP if they have not received a confirmation notice that the proposal has been submitted)


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