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Information and Resources related to the 2025 U.S. Presidential Administration Transition can be found on the Federal Updates Resulting From Administration Transition webpage. We will continue to update the page as new information and resources are identified.

Effort Reporting Instructions - Effort Administrators

Accessing Effort Reports:

  1. By Person

    • Go to CGA and sign in
    • Click on “My Effort Detail” on the left hand side under "Frequently Used Tools"
    • Click on “Person” under Search Effort By...
    • Choose the effort period
    • Click on “Choose a Person” and a small window will appear
    • Enter in the name of the person whose effort report you would like to view. As you type in the name, a list will populate. Once you see the person’s name, use your arrow to click the name. You may need to enter a space after the coma after the last name.  You will then be returned to the Effort by Person page.
    • Click “Go”
  2. By Bookkeeping Unit

    • Go to CGA and sign in
    • Click on "My Effort Detail" on the left hand side under "Frequently Used Tools"
    • Click on "Bookkeeping Unit" under Search Effort By...
    • Choose the effort period
    • Select your desired college from the drop down menu
    • Select your desired department from the drop down menu
    • This will populate the list of accounts requiring effort reports for which the selected department has bookkeeping rights.
    • Click on one of the “participants” names to view their effort report

      Note: Clicking on the account number will take you to that account in Account Explorer.

  3. By Home Unit

    • Go to CGA and sign in
    • Click on “My Effort Detail” on the left hand side under "Frequently Used Tools"
    • Click on “Home Unit” under Search Effort by...
    • Choose the effort period
    • Select your desired college from the drop down menu
    • Select your desired department from the drop down menu
    • This will populate the list of people whose “home unit” in SAP is the selected department and were paid or cost shared on a restricted account
    • Click on one of the names to view their effort report
  4. By Account

    • Go to CGA and sign in
    • Click on "My Effort Detail" on the left hand side under "Frequently Used Tools"
    • Click on "Account" under Search Effort By...
    • Choose the effort period
    • Click on "choose an Account" and enter/select the account number
    • Click "Go"
    • This will populate the list of people who have pay, cost share, or total effort on the account
    • click on a name to view the individual's effort report

      Note: As the individuals certify their effort reports, a message will appear next to their name on the above lists indicating who certified their effort report and when it was certified. It is important for you to periodically review this list to determine the outstanding effort reports for your department and follow-up with those individuals accordingly.

Reviewing Effort Reports:

Click on the percentages below the "Academic/Annual Pay", "Summer Pay" and "Cost Sharing or Target Effort" columns to view detailed information.

Please note that the effort period is January 1 through June 30 and July 1 through December 31. Academic pay and summer pay are shown separately to make it easier to understand the percentages shown on the effort report.  Grad Assistants and CTs (Biweekly) all full pay periods between January 1 -June 30 and July 1-December 31.

Adding Effort on a Sponsored Project Not Currently Listed on the Effort Report:

If you need to add effort on a sponsored account that is not listed on the effort report, search by Account which is below the section of sponsored projects, to the right in the blank box type in the account number and select the account in the drop down.   Then click on the green box "Add Effort on a Sponsored Project not listed above".  This will add the account number and a red box to the sponsored section of the effort report. 

If an account number has not yet been assigned, add a note on the effort report that an account number has not yet been assigned for APP#XXXXX (application number from the e-transmittal) but work was done on the project during this effort report period.  Also include the percent of effort worked during the effort report period.  Example:  10% effort on APP#XXXXX, which has not yet been assigned an account number, has been included in the certified unsponsored effort percent total on the effort report.


Only the individual (excluding grads) or a “delegate” may certify an effort report. The individual who certifies the effort report should be someone that has suitable means of verification that the work was performed as indicated by the percentages entered in the "% Effort Worked" column of the effort report. The first PI listed on a sponsored project account (from the etransmittal) is automatically a delegate for that account, meaning they can certify the effort for any of the individuals who were paid or cost shared on that account. If you need to add, edit or delete a person to person delegate, please see below:


  1. View a Person to Person Delegate

    • Click on “My Effort Detail" on the left hand side of CGA’s website under "Frequently Used Tools"
    • Click on ”Person to Person Delegates” under Search Effort By...
    • Click on “Choose User” under “View & Delete a person to person delegate” section.
    • Type in the name of the person who would be the delegator (the person to certify the effort report) click on the name in the drop down.
    • View names listed under “Currently Delegate Effort Report” section
  2. Remove delegated person
    • Click on "My Effort Detail" on the left hand side of CGA's website under "Frequently Used Tools"
    • Click on "Person to Person Delegates" under Search Effort By...
    • Click on "Choose User" under “View & Delete a person to person delegate” section.
    • Type in the name of the person who would be the delegator (the person to certify the effort report) click on the name in the drop down
    • Under delegate's name will list "Currently Delegated Effort Reports", individuals who have been delegated to them. On the right, click the "Delete" button to remove the delegated name.
    • Effort Administrators should be checking the person to person delegate listing every effort period and make any necessary changes which includes deleting anyone that will not be requiring an effort report for the period anymore or not working on the project anymore.
  3. Add Person to Person Delegate

    • Click on "My Effort Detail" on the left hand side of CGA’s website under "Frequently Used Tools"
    • Click on "Person to Person Delegates" under Search Effort By...
    • Click on "To see complete person to person delegate by Employee name click here" and search that the individual has not already been set up under someone else. Delete incorrect information if set up under someone else. If not set up, proceed to next step.
    • Under the "Add a person to person delegate" section, click on "Choose User" for name of delegator (person that certifies the effort report)
    • Type in the delegator name (the person to certify the effort report) click on the name in the drop down
    • In same section, click on "Choose User" for name of delegated person (person that effort report belongs to)
    • Type in the delegated name (person that the effort report belongs to) and select the name.
    • Click on the "Click to Add" button
    • To view what was set up, click on "Choose User" located under "View & Delete a person to person delegate" section.
    • Type in the name of the person who would be the delegator (the person to certify the effort report) and click on the name in the drop down
    • View list of names listed under "Currently Delegated Effort Report" section
  4. In general, the same guidelines for who should certify an effort report in the old system are applicable in the new system.

    • PIs should certify their own effort reports.
    • Non-PIs should also certify their own effort reports (especially if they are working on multiple projects with different PI's), however it is acceptable to have the PI or Co-PI certify for them if they are familiar with all of their restricted projects - provided the individual concurs with the effort distribution.
    • Graduate students effort reports should be certified by the PI or Co-PI if the person is working on their projects. For Graduate students working in multiple departments or for multiple PI's, one PI should take responsibility to certify the student's effort report, however it is important to communicate with the other departments/PIs to ensure the effort is properly reported.
    • In those rare circumstances when the above guidelines cannot be met, a dean or chair may certify the ER if they have suitable means of verification that the work was performed as indicted by the percentages reported.
    • Effort administrators should NOT certify effort reports, unless it is their own.
  5. Effort Delegate Search tab (includes individuals that require an effort report to be certified for the selected period only)
    • Go to CGA and sign in
    • Click on "My Effort Detail" on the left hand side under "Frequently Used Tools"
    • Click on "Effort Delegate" under Search Effort By....
    • Choose the effort period
    • To search by person, click on "Choose a Person" and a small window will appear
    • Type in the name of the person, then click on the name in the drop down, you will then be returned to the Effort Delegate Search page.
    • Click "Go"
      • Delegated column-Person the effort report belongs to
      • Delegator column-Person who certifies the effort report. If blank in this column, delegated individual certifies their own effort report

    You can also search by college and department; make sure the "person" field is cleared first.

    Employees on the grad payroll are automatically delegated to the Account Delegate (First PI listed on the eTransmittal) for the sponsored account they are paid or cost shared on. If you had set up a grad on the person to person delegate listing to be delegated to a different PI other than the Account Delegate, then that PI’s name you set up should show under the "Delegator" column. It will override the account delegate.

  6.  If you’d like to include notes for the individual to review, click “Add Note” at the bottom of the effort report and a window will appear for you to type in the note. After clicking “Add”, the notes section will be updated for the note and will be visible when the individual logs in to record and certify their effort.

Effort Reporting—Reports and Data


General References


Site Management