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HFH & MSU HS Account Set-up Processes


This document outlines the account set-up procedures specific to sponsored program awards issued to Henry Ford Health + Michigan State University Health Sciences (HFH+MSU HS), which is under MSU Unique Entity Identifier NH77YPDEGG84. Unless noted in this document, Contract and Grant Administration (CGA) will follow their standard operating procedures for HFH+MSU HS awards.


CGA’s Awards Group will receive an email from the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) with notification that an HFH+MSU HS award is ready to be set-up. The emails from OSP will indicate that the award is an HFH+MSU HS award, and for awards with costs incurred at HFH, OSP will list the HFH Grant Manager (who CGA will note in AE). Additional text may vary as follows:

  • If award costs will be incurred at one entity only:
    1. Costs incurred at MSU only: OSP will issue a standard email text, consistent with other MSU sponsored program awards.
    2. Costs incurred at HFH only: Email will indicate that all costs will be incurred at HFH. Copied to the email will be HFH Principal Investigator, HFH Grant Manager, Robert Pearson, Paul Kolpasky, Pat Greve and Shamari Hamlet.
  • Collaborative awards – costs will be incurred at both MSU and HFH:
    1. MSU PI is Lead: Email will indicate that MSU is the lead and a child account is needed for the HFH PI. Copied to the email at a minimum will be MSU PI, Robert Pearson, Paul Kolpasky, Pat Greve and Shamari Hamlet.
    2. HF PI is Lead: Email will indicate that HFH is the lead and a child account is needed for MSU PI. Copied to the email at a minimum will be HFH PI, Robert Pearson, Paul Kolpasky, Pat Greve and Shamari Hamlet.
    3. Two budgets will be attached: the MSU component budget and HFH component budget.


When a new KFS account document is created using KR, the Campus Code and Indirect Cost Recovery Account (ICR Account) will auto populate based on the information in KR.

  • If the award is identified as an HFH+MSU HS award, the ICR Account will be GV100001.
  • If the Lead PI is a HFH faculty member, the campus code will be HF.
  • If the Lead PI is a MSU faculty member, the campus code will be EL.

If the Lead PI is a HFH faculty member, all costs for the account will be incurred at HFH. For these accounts, the following contacts will be used in KFS.

  • Fiscal Officer: Robert Pearson
  • Account Supervisor: The Chair of the MSU unit in which the HFH faculty member has a MSU appointment.

When the KFS account has been routed, CGA will send an email notification.

  • If it is a MSU account, CGA will follow the standard process.
  • If it is an HFH account, CGA will send the email to Robert Pearson and Paul Kolpasky.


If the HFH+MSU HS award is a collaborative award, a parent and child hierarchy will be set up in KR.

  • If the MSU PI is lead PI, the MSU component will be the parent and the HFH component will be the child.
  • If the HFH PI is lead PI, the HFH component will be the parent and the MSU component will be the child.

When creating a child account, CGA will update the Lead PI on the Child account to be the other entity’s PI.

The parent and child accounts will be linked in KFS via the Control Account field, which will contain the parent account number. Due to routing, there will be a delay in the completion of the child account. The parent account must fully route before the child account is routed with the Control Account.


CGA will follow standard process for account set-up regardless of where costs are incurred for HFH+MSU HS awards. For collaborative awards, if the MSU component and the HFH component does not total the combined award amount, CGA will consult with OSP to obtain budget revisions.


CGA will add standard Account Explorer notes to all HFH+MSU HS accounts. 

For HFH accounts (costs incurred at HFH):

  • CGA will check the effort reporting not required flag and set up effort for no one on the account.
  • CGA will add an alert note that says “Costs are incurred at, and managed by, Henry Ford Health. Subaward and RPPR Qs go to HFH Grant Manager: [insert notated Grant Manager here]. For all other questions, please contact Robert Pearson (”
  • CGA will add a banner that states “Costs are incurred at, and managed by, Henry Ford Health.”

Upon completion of Account Explorer notes, CGA will send a full account notification email.

  • For MSU accounts, CGA will follow standard procedures.
  • For HFH accounts, CGA will send the notification to Robert Pearson, Paul Kolpasky, and the appropriate CGA financial group. CGA’s email template will be slightly different, as costs are incurred at HFH and no effort is set-up.

Frequently Asked Questions

– Where is it indicated in KR that the award is an HFH+MSU HS award?

– Where in KR can you find information on where costs will be incurred for an HFH+MSU HS award?

– How do you know if a faculty member's prime appointment is at HFH?

– What is the contact information for the HFH central office?

General References


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